The positive and unique development of every child
Our Learning Philosophy
As human beings, the learning of who we are and our relationship to the world around us begins at birth. At our campus’, we believe that early education should incorporate three spheres of the human spirit – the Head, the Heart and the Hands. The way we structure our activities, days and communications centres around this philosophy.
Embedded within our daily practices is our belief in caring for children with genuine love and affection, so that they may learn to do so for others.
We revel in the magic of childhood and through this holistic approach.

Paving the Way
In order for the youngest citizens of earth to understand the importance of preserving our resources for generations now and next, we recognise that they must first learn to care for one another. “How can children fully appreciate the reason behind recycling, if they don’t feel that it is important to do so for future children such as themselves?”
Embedded within our daily practices is our belief in caring for children with genuine love and affection, so that they may learn to do so for others.

Our educators work with the children to promote healthy, sustainable environments where educators, children and families learn and share ideas about creating an environmentally friendly education and care service.
We implement sustainable practices; recycling and the use of recycled resources, energy efficiency, water conservation, growing our own herbs and vegetables, and many other additional practices as part of our program.
We also utilise technology and remove the usage of unnecessary forms, so please ensure you are ready and able to use communication channels such as Storypark and Storypark Manage.